<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000'>Dear all,<br><br>The second IPv6 Webinar of 2013 will take place on the 6<sup>th</sup> of
June 2013 – a year after the successful world IPv6 Launch which took place on the 6th of June 2012. This
Webinar titled "IPv6 in the Real World" will inform and update the
audience on the impact of the World IPv6 Launch and the state of IPv6
use globally since the 2012 IPv6 launch and also on how two large and
experienced network operators on the continent have adapted to using
IPv6 in their networks. ISOC's Deploy360 will make a presentation on the
state of IPv6 use since the global IPv6 Launch of 2012. Liquid Telecom,
who run one of the largest fibre networks on the continent, and Orange
Uganda will be presenting on how they are using IPv6 in their networks.<br><br><p>
<strong>Conference agenda</strong></p>
Introductions - 5min</li><li>
IPv6 use at Liquid Telecom - 20min (Andrew Alston of <a href="http://www.liquidtelecom.com/" target="_blank">Liquid Telecom</a>)</li><li>
IPv6 Launch - A Year On - 20min (Dan York of ISOC <a href="http://www.internetsociety.org/deploy360/" target="_blank">Deploy360</a>)</li><li>
IPv6 use at Orange Uganda – 20min (TBC, <a href="http://www.orange.ug/" target="_blank">Orange Uganda</a>)</li><li>
Q/A (30 min)</li></ul><span style="font-weight: bold;">To register:</span> Click <a href="https://isoc.webex.com/mc0806l/meetingcenter/mtgregister/registmeeting.do?siteurl=isoc&confID=1251737836&HasPassword=YES&frommw=1&backUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fisoc.webex.com%2Fmw0307l%2Fmywebex%2Fmeetingsearch.do%3Fsiteurl%3Disoc%26searchKeyWord%3DIPv6%26orderBy%3DTopic%26orderType%3Dasc%26currentPage%3D1%26justPageChg%3Dfalse" target="_blank">here</a> to go to the registration page.<br><br><strong>Test your Webex in Advance<br>
Tip:</strong> We advise participants to test their ability to connect the meeting platform, by logging on <a href="https://isoc.webex.com/isoc/j.php?ED=227676042&UID=497734917&PW=NZjgzYWUzMmFi&RT=MiMzNA%3D%3D" target="_blank">here</a>, on Wednesday, 5<sup>th</sup>
June 2013, from 12:30 to 3:30 UTC. On this date, Webex will be made
available for test purposes only. For example, two people can connect
and see if you they can hear each other.<br><br>More info on the webinar here: https://www.internetsociety.org/ipv6-webinar-2-2013<br><br><br><br><br>Regards<br><br>Kevin <br></div></body></html>