Syslog/SWATCH exercises AfNOG 11, Kigali Syslog-ng and swatch already installed on the workshop machines, otherwise install with: apt-get install syslog-ng swatch Choose your router: PC1-10: PC11-20: PC21-28: PC29-36: PC37-44: 1. Make Syslog-NG on your machine listen to packets from the router. Edit /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf. Find the lines: # (this is equivalent to the "-r" syslogd flag) # udp(); and change it to: # (this is equivalent to the "-r" syslogd flag) udp(); 2. Add a rule to filter everything in facility local5, and create one file per router per hour. Edit the same file, and copy+paste the following at the bottom of the file: filter f_routers { facility(local5); }; log { source(s_all); filter(f_routers); destination(routers); }; destination routers { file("/var/log/network/$YEAR/$MONTH/$DAY/$HOST-$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY-$HOUR.log" owner(root) group(root) perm(0644) dir_perm(0755) create_dirs(yes) template("$YEAR $DATE $HOST $MSG\n")); }; 3. Create the directory /var/log/network/ sudo mkdir /var/log/network/ 4. Restart syslog-ng: sudo /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart 5. We already preconfigured the routers to forward all logs to you via the NOC machine - so you don't need to do anything. "At home" you would have to change your router config similar like this: RTRX(config)# logging XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (your servers IP) RTRX(config)# logging facility local5 RTRX(config)# logging userinfo 6. Change to the rancid user ('sudo bash' then 'su -s /bin/bash rancid') and use clogin to change something on your router config ('enable','conf t', ..., end, write) 7. On your PC check /var/log/network/2010/05/31/ - logs should start appearing 8. If not log in to the router again, enter config mode and exit, this should generate logs SWATCH: 1. Edit the SWATCH config file /etc/swatch.conf, put in the following: watchfor /PRIV_AUTH_PASS/,subject=Enable mode entered threshold type=limit,count=1,seconds=3600 watchfor /CONFIG_I/,subject=Router config threshold type=limit,count=1,seconds=3600 watchfor /LINK-3-UPDOWN/,subject=Link state change threshold type=limit,count=1,seconds=3600 Please make sure the mail and threshold lines are indented by tabs and not spaces 2. Add a statement to /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf to export all router messages to a common file (not very pretty, but it works): destination everything { file("/var/log/everything" template("$DATE «$FACILITY.$PRIORITY» $HOST $MSG\n") template_escape(no) ); }; log { source(s_all); destination(everything); }; 3. Restart syslog-ng: sudo /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart 4. Start swatch as root: swatch -c /etc/swatch.conf -t /var/log/everything 5. Login to your router, enter and exit config mode, disable and enable 6. Check that mails are coming in to the RT-mailgate on the NOC machine