Malawi Women Engineers (AfNOG Track SA-E), Blantyre, Malawi
Dates: 31st October - 4th November 2011
Venue: University of Malawi, College of Medicine
Workshop Goals and OutlineOverall
objective: After attending this workshop, the students are able to
install, upgrade, secure and competently manage the Unix operating
system on standard PC hardware, and use it to provide essential
Internet services on a network. It is aimed at students who are
technically competent but
may have had little or no prior exposure to the Unix environment.
In addition students learn concepts such as:
• Basic Internet Protocols and how they work
• Some basic Internet services and how they function, including DNS, Web, SSH and E-mail
• Designing installations for long-term scalability of services

Photo: Workshop participants, instructors and hosts
The following countries were represented at the workshop:
Bostwana, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbambwe
Sponsored by:Africa Network Operators Group (AFNOG)Internet Society (ISOC)Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC)
Malawi Telecommunications Ltd (MTL)
Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA)
Hosted by: Malawi Telecommunications Ltd (MTL)