[afnog] 1900 switch

Bill Woodcock woody at pch.net
Tue Aug 30 18:22:13 EAT 2005

      On Tue, 30 Aug 2005, Cletus Okolie wrote:
    > Please i have a catalyst 1900 series each time the
    > switch boots up it remains in the Management Console
    > mode. Pls how do get it to the menu where i can do
    > some configurations (user exec and previlleged mode).

It sounds as though you have a pre-IOS software load in the 1900.  If you 
know the password, you can configure it using the instructions here:


If you don't know the password, you'll need to clear that first, using 
these instructions:


As to upgrading the software to something which will look more like IOS, 
the IOS Upgrade Planner tool doesn't show anything at all for the 1900, 
and the most recent mention I find of the 1900 specifically is this:


...which might have been one of the transitional images that looked a 
bit like CatOS and a bit like IOS.  But I haven't used a 1900 since the 
2004 date on that document, so I'm speaking speculatively.  Anyone on the 
list upgraded a Cat 1900 recently?


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