Ali Abdullahi ali.abdullahi at nils.gov.ng
Fri Nov 1 09:20:24 UTC 2013

>>Is the proxy running on Linux or FreeBSD or something else?
it's running on centOS 6 (Linux)

>>And what version of Squid is it? 
its version 3.1.10 of squid

>>Also please attach the output of ifconfig -have you created and brought up the requisite gre tunnel between proxy and ASA (for WCCP)?

[root at localhost squid]# ip tunnel
gre0: gre/ip  remote any  local any  ttl inherit  nopmtudisc

so I think the gre tunnel is up

>>or rather more exactly what the problem is? 
the exact problem is that when the squid service starts one cannot brows and when I check the cache.log file I notice that while squid is starting, it hooks at a stage which is "storeLateRelease: released 0 objects"

>>if you configure a browser manually to use the proxy, rather than relying on WCCP, does it work? 
Yes it does work fine but when I try to go through WCCP while starting it hooks on a stage which I saw in the cache.log which is "storeLateRelease: released 0 objects" and I dont know why it stays at that satge and does not also work

>>Did it work previously? 
Yes it worked previously, we even used it for about a month

>>If so, what has changed since it last worked? 
first of all there was blocking of torrent which was did by the contractor on the ASA firewall and even after that it worked and then there was unexpected power outage in which the inverter powering out equipments went off and when it came back on and I started the server which squid is installed on, the problem started, that is when ever the squid service starts it hook at the stage which I mentioned earlier and then clients wont be able to brows but if you set your browser to point to the proxy IP it works but not for transparent proxy, for that it does not

Go to this link, the person has similar problem with me but he was not answered 

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