[afnog] privacy vs caching

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Mon Dec 22 14:01:51 UTC 2014

On Monday, December 22, 2014 02:09:45 PM Kofi ANSA AKUFO 

> I quite remember one company - DiViNetworks
> <http://bgp.he.net/AS57731#_peers> - which was selling
> some form of patented bandwidth optimization (which
> caching in general addresses -" flag repititive data
> patterns to speed up delivery and also optimize
> bandwidth utilization) solution which identifies bit
> patterns or streams instead of files or web objects. I
> noticed many ISPs around the globe
> <http://bgp.he.net/AS57731#_peers> currently subscribe
> to their service especially when they reach 90 -95% of
> their upstream capacity (usually their DS3 and STM1
> internet transit capacity) to gain extra 50% on
> bandwidth. At least that is the selling benefits.

My issue with these bandwidth managers is that they 
generally assume a very small network, possibly located in 
only one city with normally one (and not more than two) 
upstream connections.

Large scale networks that are not centralized (i.e., traffic 
enters or exists the network at any point across the entire 
topology) do not work well with bandwidth managers.

That said, operators still deploy them close to customers to 
provide usage-based services, traffic monitoring/management, 
e.t.c. But because of the nature of large networks, you 
can't centralize this without getting into serious problems; 
so some vendor gets stinking rich because you end up having 
to distribute this middleware as a way to solve the scaling 

Personally, if I can't do it in the router (or to a device 
that can be out-of-path), I won't touch it.

I stopped using centralized bandwidth managers in 2006 
(which is not to say they are useless - if you have a very 
small network with only one upstream and 99.999% of your 
traffic goes out to/comes in from that upstream, then they 
make sense).

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