Phil Regnauld regnauld at nsrc.org
Mon Oct 13 16:55:15 UTC 2014

Chris Wilson (chris+afnog) writes:
> https://github.com/aptivate/inaspmaterials/blob/master/src/Network_Management/Unit_6_Solving_Network_Problems/Unit_6_Presentation.rst#example-slow-internet-connection

	Another comment:

"Packet loss is caused by congestion, and randomly affects all flows, so TCP streams tend to share all bandwidth quite fairly between them."

	I'd add:

	Packet loss and congestion can also be caused by shaping / blocking rules
	that try to alleviate congestion by creating more packet loss.

	There's no magic - prioritizing one type of traffic over another means
	someone else's traffic is going to be degraded even more, potentially
	at no one's benefit if there's not enough bandwidth do serve the priority
	traffic in the first place.

	Difference is, a vendor will have made money in one case.

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