[afnog] Perturbations de la connectivité Afrique de l'OUEST / Afrique Centrale suite à avaries sur les câbles sous-marins -- West Africa/Central Africa Connectivity Disruptions Following Submarine Cable Faults

GMAIL temptempor at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 09:34:05 UTC 2024


Je suis un simple lecteur occasionnel.

Je trouve que cette crise est une excellent occasion de faire 
fonctionner la liste, bien que je me doute que beaucoup ici doivent ces 
jours-ci s’activer à essayer de résoudre/contourner le problème.

D’après les infos disponibles, les pays sont inégalement impactés:

  * <https://blog.cloudflare.com/undersea-cable-failures-cause-internet-disruptions-across-africa-march-14-2024>https://blog.cloudflare.com/undersea-cable-failures-cause-internet-disruptions-across-africa-march-14-2024

Le communiqué de Main One:

  * <https://www.mainone.net/faqs-on-mainone-submarine-outage-2024/>https://www.mainone.net/faqs-on-mainone-submarine-outage-2024/

À propos des réparations:

    This process might take 1-2 weeks for repairs while about 2-3 weeks
    of transit time may be required for the vessel to pick up the spares
    and travel from Europe to West Africa once the vessel is mobilised.

Il semble qu’au moins une partie du matériel pourrait ne pas être stocké 
sur le continent…

Avis/commentaires des professionnels de la liste sur la situation ? Si 
la situation avait déjà été discutée et des pistes d’améliorations 
proposées ?



Good morning and a good start to the week to everyone!

Just a casual reader here.

I think this crisis is a great opportunity to liven up the ML a bit, 
although I suspect that many here must be busy these days trying to 
solve/work around the problem.

According to available information, countries are unequally affected:

  * https://blog.cloudflare.com/undersea-cable-failures-cause-internet-disruptions-across-africa-march-14-2024

The statement from Main One:

  * https://www.mainone.net/faqs-on-mainone-submarine-outage-2024/

Regarding the repairs:

    This process might take 1-2 weeks for repairs while about 2-3 weeks
    of transit time may be required for the vessel to pick up the spares
    and travel from Europe to West Africa once the vessel is mobilised.

It seems that at least part of the equipment could not be stored on the 

Professionals’ opinions/comments on the list about the situation? If the 
situation had already been discussed, and improvement suggestions proposed?



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