[afnog] APRICOT 2025: Call for Program Committee Volunteers - Extended to 1st November, 2024!

Mark Tinka mark at tinka.africa
Mon Oct 28 04:32:27 UTC 2024


This is a note to inform you that the Call for Volunteers for the 
APRICOT 2025 conference, as detailed below, has been extended to 1st 
November, 2025.

We look forward to receiving your nomination.

Many thanks!

Mark Tinka, Achie Atienza & Mark Duffell
APRICOT 2025 Programme Committee Chairs

On 10/27/24 09:47, Mark Tinka wrote:
> Hello all.
> The APRICOT 2025 Programme Committee is now seeking contributions for 
> Presentations and Tutorials for the APRICOT 2025 Conference, which 
> will be held in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 19th - 27th, February 2025.
> Details about the Call for Papers, and how you can submit a proposal 
> for a conference, peering and tutorial talk, and the submission 
> deadlines, can be found at the link below:
> https://2025.apricot.net/programme/callforpresentations
> We look forward to receiving your papers, and seeing you in Malaysia.
> Many thanks!
> Mark Tinka, Achie Atienza & Mark Duffell
> APRICOT 2025 Programme Committee Chairs
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