AfNOG2001 Workshop on Network Technology

In conjunction with the second meeting of African Network Operators Group (AfNOG) in May 2001, AfNOG is holding a Network Technology Workshop prior to the meeting. The workshop will be held in facilities of the Miklin Hotel, East Legon, Accra Ghana, during May 05 - May 13, 2001. The workshop will offer advanced training to operators of existing African Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who are participants in the process of developing and enhancing a national Internet with regional and international connectivity.<.p>

Attendance at the workshop includes attendance at AfNOG's second meeting, AfNOG 2001, and the second of AfriNIC (, which will be held in Accra on May 12th-13th, following the workshop.

This workshop builds upon the experiences of the previous AfNOG workshops held in Cape Town, South Africa and the INET workshops held during 1993-2000 at eight  locations around the world.


The goals of the workshop are:

  1. 1. To train a critical mass of trainers and professionals in network infrastructure and services to be able to support an extension of Internet-related activities within the African countries  represented.
  2. 2. To identify and share individual and institutional contacts as well as information sources that will assist the process of national development, using international Internet connections.
  3. 3. To build robust professional linkages between all participants in the programs so that the mentor-student and colleague-colleague relationships  formed during the workshop and conferences will remain strong and of continuing usefulness well beyond the workshop and conference.
  4. 4. To increase the level of co-operation among existing projects and activities for establishing public data networks in Africa.
  5. 5. To train people and groups of people who will return to their country and region and who will teach others what they have learned at the workshop.


An intensive program of instruction is planned for the workshop, composed of two instructional tracks.

Participants attend only one of the two tracks, since the tracks run concurrently.

All participants will engage in extensive hands-on training, setting up and managing prototype infrastructure and services.

The course descriptions below include for each instructional track:


Who should attend: Technical staff who are now providing mail, file, web, and other TCP/IP based services to local and/or dial-up end users.

Prerequisites: UNIX use and some Unix system administration.

Subjects: large-scale provision of UNIX-based TCP/IP services such as:

  • DNS (Domain Name Service)
  • SMTP mail exchange
  • POP mail delivery
  • Mailing lists
  • HTTP web service
  • Security


Who should attend: Technical staff who are now operating a wide area TCP/IP network, likely with international and/or multi-provider connectivity. Those who will be involved in the establishment and/or operation of a basic national network infrastructure in the country.

Prerequisites: experience using TCP/IP-based networking technologies.

Subjects: configuration and operation of larger scale backbones, including:

  • Basic routing
  • OSPF routing
  • BGP routing (limited)
  • Management of router configuration
  • NOC (Network Operation Center)
  • Exchange points between networks
  • Security

TRACK 3. FRENCH TRACK ( same as Track 2)

  • Base des reseaux IP
  • Bases de configuration des routeurs Cisco
  • Routage statique (utilisation d'Unix et de Routeur Cisco)
  • OSPF
  • Architecture d'un reseau redondant
  • BGP
  • NOC services et application
  • Securite Reseau


The workshop activities to be held at the Miklin Hotel conference centres in Accra., Sponsored participants will be offered room and board at the Miklin Hotel during the workshop and the AfNOG and AfriNIC meetings, which follow. Shuttle bus and taxi transportation is available from the airport to the workshop accommodations.