Sponsors AfNOG2003

Addison Wesley Longman is donating technical reference books for the workshop participants.
FreeBSD Mall has donated copies of the FreeBSD 4.5 four disc set to the afnog workshop
Cisco Systems has provided funding to help cover the costs of workshop instructor. Cisco is also loaning routing equipment to AfNOG for hands-on training sessions in the workshop classrooms.
Cisco Press has kindly donated technical reference books for workshop participants.
The Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC), which is partially supported by the US National Science Foundation, is assisting African friends and colleagues with organizing the AfNOG workshop curriculum and team of instructors.
Prentice Hall is donating technical reference books for the workshop participants.
Internet Society has provided funding to help cover the costs of training workshop participants.
One2net is providing on-site coordination of network connectivity, and assistance with planning logistics for both the AfNOG workshop and the AfNOG meeting.
Infodev has provided funding to help cover the costs of training workshop participants.
UN/ECA has provided funding to help cover the costs of participation of women in the training workshop.
CTO has provided funding to help cover the costs of training workshop participants.
Network Computer Systems
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency provided funding through ISOC to help cover the costs of training workshop participants.