Africa Internet Summit (AIS 21) : AfNOG Day, May 31, 2021
Event | Date/Time |
AfNOG Day | Opening Ceremony Nancy Dotse, Dr Nii Narku Quaynor | Monday, May 31, 09:00 UTC |
AfNOG Day | Message from Internet Society Dr Dawit Bekele | Monday, May 31, 09:05 UTC |
Global BCP for Routing Policy and Security Dr Philip Smith | Monday, May 31, 09:30 UTC |
Working for an Open, globally-connected, secure and trustworthy Internet for Everyone in Africa during difficult times Israel Bionyi Nyoh | Monday, May 31, 10:00 UTC |
Shared, Open and Disaggregated Networks to fast track digital inclusion Jody van Wyk, Subramanian Moonesamy | Monday, May 31, 10:30 UTC |
Lightning Presentations - Building a fully automated, software defined internet exchange and IPv6 Extension headers and their implications for network and security operations Toni Yannick Kalombo, Noah Maina, Logan Velvindron | Monday, May 31, 11:00 UTC |
Blockchain Governance Initiative Network (BGIN) Prof Shin'ichiro Matsuo | Monday, May 31, 11:30 UTC |
Panel Discussion AfNOG Day | Time with Vint Cerf Alain Aina, Vinton Gray Cerf | Monday, May 31, 12:00 UTC |
Panel Discussion: What next, update on Afnog 2.0 discussions Alain Aina, Dr Nii Narku Quaynor | Monday, May 31, 12:30 UTC |
Featured Speakers

H.E. Augustin Kibassa
Government of Democratic Republic of the Congo
Minister of Posts, Telecommuications & ICT
H.E. Désiré Cashmir Eberande Kolongele
Government of Democratic Republic of the Congo
Minister of Digital Affairs
Vint Cerf
Chief Internet Evangelist
Dr Nii Narku Quaynor

Dr Philip Smith
Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC)
Senior Network Engineer
Dr Dawit Bekele
Internet Society (ISOC)
Regional Vice President - Africa
Eddy Kayihura
Subramanian Moonesamy
Chairman, Board of Directors

Nancy Dotse
Prof. Shin'ichiro Matsuo
Georgetown University
Research Professor
Jody van Wyk
Telecom Infra Project Africa
Aina Alain
TRS Tech

Mr Fadi Chehadé
Ethos Capital
Co-CEO, Ethos Capital
Logan Velvindron
Infrastructure Security Engineer
Israel Bionyi Nyoh
Internet Society
Communications and Outreach Manager
Pindar Wong
Verifi HK
Please join us, once again, as we come together to learn, network and shape the future of ICT in Africa.