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Re: Cisco filtering Commands

Hello All
I got the network from my Sattelite Downtream Provider.
I intended to use my PTT as my upstream provider but, unfortunatly, my PTT rejected to route my network So, on my border router, i configured a tunnel between my Cisco and the Cisco of my sattelite downstream provider (Through my PTT Cisco router). Please see:
interface Tunnel0
 description Interpacket link
 ip address
 no logging event subif-link-status
 bandwidth 768
 tunnel source
 tunnel destination
Now, my upstream traffic is transiting through my PTT but they do not know it !!
My question is:
Suppose, tomorow they know about it !
Can my PTT staff run commands on their Cisco router to filter my upstream traffic through that tunnel (though the PTT)? Is it possible ?
Thanks in advance !
Jose Pereira Van-Dunem
PAcomm - EBONet
jvd at ebonet.net