nancy dotse nancy at ghana.com
Fri Aug 30 10:32:54 UTC 2024

Hi All,

Please find below details on additional AfNOG Tutorial on Load Balancing 
Strategies to be held on 5th Sept, 2024.

Interested participants should please register to attend.

Best regards

Nancy Dotse


"Load Balancing Strategies: From Theory to Practice with HAProxy."

It will be a 2-hour session, including a practical lab and one break, 
covering the following topics. Please note that they may change slightly 
as I'm still finalizing the slides, which I expect to complete by the 
end of this week.

Introduction (5 minutes)

  	* Brief overview of load balancing concepts
  	* Importance in modern infrastructure

Load Balancing Fundamentals (15 minutes)

  	* Types of load balancers (L4 vs L7)
  	* Common algorithms (Round Robin, Least Connections, IP Hash, etc.)
  	* Health checks and failure handling

Introduction to HAProxy (10 minutes)

  	* Overview and key features
  	* Architecture and components

HAProxy Configuration Basics (20 minutes)

  	* Configuration file structure
  	* Frontend and backend sections
  	* ACLs and use_backend rules

Advanced HAProxy Features (20 minutes)

  	* SSL termination
  	* Sticky sessions
  	* HTTP rewriting and redirection
  	* Logging and monitoring

Live Demo: Setting up HAProxy (30 minutes)

  	* Installing HAProxy
  	* Configuring a basic load balancer
  	* Testing and verifying the setup
  	* Demonstrating advanced features

Best Practices and Performance Tuning (10 minutes)

  	* Configuration optimization
  	* Security considerations
  	* Scaling HAProxy

Q&A Session (10 minutes)

Date: Thursday 5th Sept, 09:00 to 11:00 UTC

Instructor: Manhal Moktar

Here is the registration URL : 
https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vrNpJbRVR0CY0dBD-iiUJw [1]


[1] https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vrNpJbRVR0CY0dBD-iiUJw
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