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Re: Money Matters Re: The AfriNIC Business Plan V.0

Hello Brian,

(A) AFRINIC has no existing LIRs. All 'existing' LIRs on the continent either receive address space from RIPE and/or ARIN and have entered into separate contractual arrangements with the same.

These LIRs receiving address from RIPE and ARIN can be considered (with some reserve) as Afrinic "existing" LIRs.

This plan has to take into consideration the following:

1) The LIR's decision to "move" from RIPE/ARIN to AFRINIC is voluntary i.e. it is up to the LIR to decide whether or not they are moving. (Ways can be found of "motivating" them to move.)

by the price?

2) A clear set of procedures for the transition is laid out. This should encompass:

- financial considerations e.g if the LIR has paid for 12 months but only received service for 2 and is planning to move by the 4th month, does RIPE transfer the relevant funds to AFRINIC or does the LIR stay with RIPE until the end of the 12 month periond and *then* move?

Verry good point...

- technical considerations; does the move constitute a change in address space? This can be quite painful for LIRs who have exhausted or are close to exhausting their allocation/assignment window.

....I think this issue was previously discuss and..if my memory is reliable, the "existing" LIRs will keep their old address space!, can RIPE and ARIN peaolple on this list can confirm or not?

SMALL  $1,000
MEDIUM  $1,750
LARGE   $3,000

What will be the definition of thee different category?

Being a new organisation, it will take some time before revenues can cover operating costs. To this end, it is proposed that the first 2-3 years budget be met through grants/donations from developmental funds earmarked for Africa. Among potential donors:

Very true...but can't we begin by counting (relaying) first to a large extent in our own capability...and then forcast on donation in some degree????


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