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Re: [afnog] Red Hat 8.0 as a router

On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 10:51:07PM -0700,
 Daniel Obuobi <dobuobi at yahoo.com> wrote 
 a message of 72 lines which said:

> The ASCII diagram on the network is shown below. I
> hope it will look presentable.

See Brian Candler's remarks. [Brian, if you can turn your excellent
message into a FAQ that will be posted monthly on the AFNOG mailing
list...] I assume his fix is OK.

> 1)The Linux router I want to set up and the proxy pcs
> and the masq pc uses the ip 10....x

But the Linux router has two interfaces. One has, I assume, a public
IP. So, you NAT at the Linux router (because the proxies have private
addresses) and you do not NAT on the proxies (because they are ALG,
they relay at level 7). Correct?

If so, "shogunx" message numbered
<Pine.LNX.4.44.0308071506000.665-100000 at sleekfreak.ath.cx> is the way
to go, with a few caveats on security. I suggest to add more rules to
prevent external machines to use NAT and therefore to masquerade as
coming from your network. Something like:

   # Variables make the rules easier to read
   iptables -t nat --append POSTROUTING --jump MASQUERADE \
       --out-interface eth0 --source $PROXYNETWORK --destination $ANY
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